Friday 2 November 2007

Of course, of course

I just rode a horse today! And it was so cool!

A) Horses are really big.
B) Horses, except for Black Beauty and Mr. Ed, are either cold and joyless creatures, or they're so reserved that they can be easily mistaken for cold and joyless creatures.

We simply got on a couple of them and the trainers walked them around and we practiced making them go, and stop, and turn, and my horse's name was Ginger but he was a guy. SO, the point was that I kind of think of myself as an animal guy, and Ginger just wasn't up for the whole caring-about-me thing, she pulled at the reins too before I even knew how much I was supposed to give. But the trainer guy, he had sugar cubes, so she LOVED him. I mean he, cause Ginger's a guy. Maybe that's why this horse is cold and joyless, because he's named Ginger. I mean, gee. Did it ever occur to anyone that he might want to be named some more masculine sounding color, like Auburn or Burnt Orange?

Anyway, I got off the horse when we were done and my conversation with the trainer consisted of:
" work here?"

It was awkward.

So awkward horse, awkward trainer, but after 10 pounds and half an hour, I now know as much about riding a horse as I do about driving a car.

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