Sunday 4 November 2007

A Dream Post

So I woke up at 8 today, realized I had a few hours before Church, and went back to sleep. I promptly had the strangest dream. This is just a few pieces I can remember with some kind of logic throwing it together.

I was first involved in some kind of traveling play or something, I think Much Ado About Nothing, because we had to work on a dance at the end and I was saying how I might be able to remember the steps from the first time I'd done the show. Other actors included the guy who plays Warrick, from CSI, Ken Worrall, and a couple of girls that could have been many of the short, quirky, ephemeral girls I know but I couldn't quite put a finger on.

Anyway, after talking for a bit, a girl leads me away to go play a new video game she has, or something. In this game, Yoshi and Mario are on a train that is crossing a continent, and every time it stops there are X number of missions to accomplish before the train leaves again. And for some reason the enemies started going from outlaws to zombies.

The train eventually arrived in a big city, and Yoshi and Mario walked in the gate to see a newly constructed building just down the road in the town square - I can't remember which one it was but it had a title, was significant, and only about 2 stories high. There was a man running on top of it, and it turned out he was running towards the edge. He jumped, fell, and landed on the sidewalk. And not only did I watch the whole thing but I heard the thump. Then he started screaming as he was still alive and a bunch of doctors and paramedics ran over to help him.

Somehow we ended up in an old church in the city, and also this had zombies in it, so you had to be careful of where you went. It also had secret passages that we snuck through, and large chunks of history behind Yoshi. The church, it seemed, had served as a military school where Yoshi's grandmother had trained, disguised as a boy. It got to the point where we'd see reenactments of history like they were flashbacks, and all of them had a meaningful tone to them. For instance, Mario, who had really just reverted to the girl who was playing him at this point, found a letter from this elder yoshi, and in an abstract sculpture of swords the figure appeared, reading the letter, deciding to take a katana broken along the edge from the sculpture for her final exam before she was let out into the field. Then, a group of people rushed in, also part of the flashback, that we had met before. They were part of the do-good, badass, outlaw team on the train, and General (something, I can't remember his name) was leading them. He had burst into another part of the room, and noticed on a large rack of guns that one was missing. He had some sort of frightened exclamation, probably something like "he's got it!" cocked his rifle, and began moving his team around hurriedly. A huge wind blew by and all the curtains flew around, and the girl who played Mario said, "it's a powerful ghost we're dealing with." For some reason the missing gun was understood to belong to the group's enemy, and we were seeing a flashback of how he got it. Or something.

Then the girl playing Mario was panicked because she didn't want to just dodge the zombies anymore, she wanted to get them out of the church. So, despite Yoshi trying to hold her back, she ran into a room and placed a grenade there. It got very first-person-shooter/Medal of Honor/Saving Private Ryan at this point. She placed the grenade and we turned and ran, and it exploded, but we had a fast-moving zombie/undead on our tail. I yelled at her for attracting his attention, and I kicked myself for not having played Suzie Six-Shooters, a character I made from Changeling: The Dreaming that was designed to fight undead, since she can make things (like zombies) catch on fire, and undead tend to be afraid of fire. So, I decided that in order to survive that Yoshi just had this ability from Changeling, Pyretics, and in my head I rolled three ten sided dice. I didn't care what they came up, cause I was running from the zombie, and so I just said they were three tens, which is six successes the way I play, and the zombie caught on fire. "Undead are afraid of fire?" the girl remarked. "YES." I said, bitingly.

Then I realized I should probably wake up, and I did. Quickly I checked my cell phone, and it was 11:48. Church had started at 11, and was probably almost over by now. So, was I trying to frighten myself into getting up in time with this dream?

Any thoughts about the dream feel free to post them.


Spelunker said...

Somehow you must put this dream into a story-arc format and send it to Nintendo so they can make it into a game for the DS and I can buy it. The idea of a Western-gothic-dark-horror Mario game sounds really, really grand. Or as Americans would say, "awesome".;o)

S. Alexander said...

You can tell that the dream gets crazier as you get closer to waking up. Dreams only sound strange when you think about relating yours to others. Give us some more, sir, please.

The Project said...


I especially like that it was just the mere rolling of the dice, rather than any specific result, that was required to accomplish any kind of magic.

Meta-reality Mage character---a guy who thinks he's in a D&D type game, so he rolls dice to do magic? Not realizing that HE'S RIGHT! He would be in fact the only character ever with a completely "correct" paradigm.

But what would happen if he Ascended?


I think we have to try, and see if we accidentally create life.