Thursday 14 February 2008

Royal Rhodes FTW

It looks as though, due to the poll on the right, Royal Rhodes will now be leading the Kenyon League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. His super powers include:

Mystic Sight: Using his infamous large glasses, Professor Rhodes can pierce through any veil or disguise, but only for noble purposes (never to look at Adelle in her underwear...or less!)

Aura of Tolerance: It takes a strong will to become angry in Professor Rhodes' presence. Super-villains often find themselves incredibly at ease around him, and usually end up spilling their secret plan as long as Professor Rhodes keeps his cool, which he always does.

Quotability: "Royal," as they call him on good days, can reach into the deeper substance of the Universe and quote one poetic/religious text, calling forth an effect equal to the quote. Many a time he has abjured the five fairies in the circle outside of Storer, who wanted to lure him off to a frightful, if arousing, demise, by saying "These woods are lovely, dark and deep. / But I have promises to keep..."

But alas, he has a great hero's weakness:

Unrequited Love: Professor Rhodes has a secret love, and he dare not tell anyone about it, for his enemies could use it against him. She doesn't even know, either, because he can't risk telling even her...

And now, who will be Rhodes' teammates? Vote and find out!

P.S. This has nothing to do with England, again. I'm at a loss of things to say about England, because it's currently Valentines day, and my singleness has made me desire to concentrate on other things besides my immediate surroundings, and the lack of a special someone in those immediate surroundings.


Wiry said...

Happy V-Day, punk. While I was gunning for Kluge as ExGent leader (perhaps due to his Connery-esque air of disdain), I will accept the Rhodes. BUT that's only if Adele is his sidekick, because - and I repeat - because because because she is the ONLY one on that list to whom "plucky" seems both entirely apt and grossly inappropriate. Also, they're already a team. What's to decide?

Anonymous said...

fuck that!
Kluge needs to be part of the kenyon LXG!
make it happen!

Traveler72 said...

Kluge will reappear in the "Bad-Ass Rebel" column, don't worry.